How to Plant New Trees the Right Way

Spring is a great time to start planting new trees in your yard. Whether you’re looking to replace trees that your trusted tree removal team removed from your yard or just want to update your landscaping, you’ll want to make sure you’re planting those new trees the right way so they can grow and thrive for years to come. Here are a few simple tips from your trusted Denver tree trimming team to help you give your new trees the best foundation possible.

Prepare the Right Size Hole
The size of the hole you’ll need to dig prior to planting your new trees will largely depend on the size of tree you’re adding to your yard. If you’re planting small starters that you sprouted from seed during the winter and early spring, you’ll be fine with a small hole hardly wider than your fist. However, if you’re adding more established saplings or younger trees with large root balls, you’ll want the hole to be larger. Ideally, make it about three times as wide as the root ball. This will give the tree’s roots enough loose soil to expand into as it becomes established in your yard.

Make the hole deep enough to cover the root ball fully and make sure the flare of the tree (where the trunk starts to flare out toward the roots) is covered by the soil. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Mess With the Roots
It’s normal for trees you buy at local garden centers to have root systems that take on the shape of the pot. However, leaving the roots in that shape can make it harder for your new trees to take to the soil in your yard. Instead of leaving them compacted and bound, gently break them up as needed. Carefully break up the crowded roots by gently squeezing the area. This will help separate them and give them a chance to spread in the soil.

Water Thoroughly
Anytime you’re planting a new tree or shrub, there’s a temptation to water it only lightly at first. After all, you want to avoid encouraging fungal growth in the soil. Unfortunately, light watering can end up hurting your new trees. Instead, water each new tree thoroughly as soon as you’re done planting it. Then, stay on top of watering each week during the growing season. 

You’ll need to make sure the soil around the tree stays moist even during the heat of the summer. If you’re not comfortable monitoring this on your own, you can invest in a soil moisture meter to monitor things for you. This way, you’ll know exactly when you need to water and when you can keep your garden hose coiled up.

Adding New Trees Can Make a Huge Difference
Planting trees in your yard can add dimension to your landscaping and even increase your home’s value in the long run. As long as you keep these tips in mind, you’ll be able to plant new trees the right way and encourage healthy growth immediately. Keep in mind that adding new trees won’t help you deal with damaged trees on your property. If you have an old tree that’s diseased or dying, schedule an appointment with Root Tree Service today. Our experts will help you figure out if the tree can be saved or if it needs to be removed.
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