Preparing Colorado Trees for Seasonal Shifts: Tips for Fall to Winter Care

Even as Colorado’s trees go through their annual transition from glorious summer green to the brilliant autumn hues and on to the stark beauty of winter, Colorado’s homeowners often need to shore up their trees to face the seasons. A tree’s special needs in Colorado are a function of the unique climate – a climate with early snows and dramatic seasonal transitions.

First, you have to harden off your trees by gradually reducing the frequency of watering as the temperature drops. This tells the trees to start getting hardy in preparation for the cold. Second, mulching helps harden off trees by retaining soil moisture and protecting against temperature extremes. Mulch the base of the trees.

Now is the time for regular pruning. Cut dead or weakened branches off, which could snap under the weight of early snow. Fertilise in early fall, which encourages trees to take in nutrients before the dormant winter period. Be sure soil surrounding trees is loose and well-drained so root rot and other snow issues from heavy, wet snow are less likely to arise.

One of the biggest challenges in Colorado is the early snowfall, when top-heavy, soggy snow accumulating on the tree and weighing down the branches can easily rip the tree from its roots or snap off its top, particularly if the tree has not fully shed its leaves yet. Make sure to clean up any fallen leaves regularly and keep the area around the trees clean to avoid the build-up of mould and pests. You can also use a tree wrap or burlap to protect young trees from frost cracks and sunscald.

If necessary, you may need to remove snow from branches to protect your trees from damage early in the season. Gently shake or lightly brush branches to remove accumulated snow. Stake young or newly planted trees to give them additional support against wind and snow.

A little advanced planning and tips from Root Tree Service will help you weather the transition of the Colorado trees from summer to fall to winter with much of their year-round colour, health and beauty intact. Contact the professionals at Root Tree Service, and you and your trees will both come out ahead in every season. 720-557-3089.
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