What You Need to Know About Winter Watering

During the winter, many of the trees and plants in your yard go dormant or grow more slowly. While they’re often able to rebound with ease once the weather starts to warm back up, they still need regular watering during the coldest months of the year. But with the weather being so cold, watering your plants isn’t as simple as it is in the summer months. Here’s what you need to know about winter watering so you can keep your trees healthy year-round.

You’ll Want to Choose the Right Time
When the soil is frozen the roots of your trees won’t be able to absorb moisture easily. This means that if you try to water when the temperatures are too low, all you’ll do is create puddles around your yard. Instead, you’ll want to pay close attention to the weather before you water. 

Try to water on days when temperatures are at least 10 degrees above freezing. Ideally, you’ll be able to water on a sunny afternoon when any frost on the soil has melted. This way, the soil can easily absorb the water and direct it to the roots where it’s needed.

Make Sure There’s No Snow on the Ground
If there’s snow on the ground, you don’t need to water your plants. Why? Because the extra water won’t reach the roots and instead will run off into your yard, creating icy patches and potentially damaging components of your landscaping. Even better, as the snow melts, much of it will soak into the soil on its own.

If you’re trying to water your trees in the winter, make sure the snow has melted and the soil is relatively dry. If several inches of snow melted a few days before your planned watering day, you’ll be able to postpone watering your yard a little longer.

Water Twice a Month
While it’s normal to have to water your plants several times a week during the summer months, the same rule doesn’t apply in winter. Instead, you’ll only need to water your plants about twice a month until the temperatures start to rise. 

This is because the cold weather helps trap moisture in the soil, letting it stay wet longer. The longer it stays moist, the less often you need to water. If you’re not sure if it’s time to water your plants, you can always invest in a soil probe to test the moisture levels of the soil around your trees. If it’s moist, you can wait. If it’s dry, watering may be a good idea.

Winter Watering Helps Plants Recover Faster
Small amounts of watering during the winter gives your trees, shrubs, and plants a helpful boost once the growing season starts back up. They’ll be able to recover faster and will be better equipped to handle dry spells between watering sessions and spring rainstorms.

While routine winter watering is essential, it’s not the only thing you need to do to keep your trees looking great. Contact Root Tree Service to schedule a plant health care consultation and let our team help you keep your trees looking beautiful no matter the season.
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